This book’s
compiler, Wen Chu, was the great-great-granddaughter of Ming dynasty Wu school
painter Wen Zhengming. It contains an album with a total of 1070 sketches which
one not only can appreciate, but which also provide rare information for those
researching medicinal ingredients.
近代印刷術的極致 The pinnacle of modern printing techniques.
這套書籍全套約320幅,一圖一文,不僅用色典雅,更特別的是在印刷技術方面,採用數十片雕版合併拓印。請點閱電子書 This set of books
running to a total of around 320 pages of pictures and writings features an
elegant use of colour, but even more noteworthy is the printing technique
employed: it uses scores of engravings merged together for rubbing.
This large format
copy book of inscription rubbings made by modern collector Pei Jingfu is an
historical collection of model calligraphy produced by emperors, famous
officials and calligraphers, such as Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi.
pyfung68 於 2010-11-27上傳 影片紀錄了在香港主辦的電子動態版《清明上河圖》的觀看過程。希望對未能撲飛進舘參觀的有奌慰籍。配樂用的是著名音樂作品:中國音畫《清明上河圖》。
This video is taken from the show of the Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival "River of Wisdom". Those who can't get ticket in would get impression on this wonderful show. Background music is extracted from the famous Chinese Symphonic Picture "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival". Enjoy this amazing video and beautiful music.
在這一場6分45秒的心靈對話中,我們是否已懂得在還來得及的時候拿起那把伸手可及的剪刀, 大手一揮剪斷所有的纏累浴火重生呢? 我們是否已明白原來一切的痛苦是來自我們不願意放棄,不忍割捨的盲目情感與貪婪呢? ~~ychuang2013 It's about
life not about knitting though. The long scarf refers to people’s captures, the
things you have been achieving for whole life like successful business,
investment, money, high position, the endless expectation for people around
you. etc. Life stage is steep and can be dangerous if we don’t know when to
stop. We always want more and so keep going. We know where to start but
sometimes have no idea where to stop. The scissors cut the fatal situation and
allow the lady a new fresh life. ~~Meagan1008