舞菇小評 :
拿錢請人開發APPS的出版業者,是否能從APPS的消費者手中賺到錢 ?
現在才投入APPS的開發者,真的還能賺取到美好的酬勞嗎 ? 是誰付錢給他們的 ?
通路平台的獲利,究竟是從消費者身上賺來的、還是從開發的業者身上榨出來的 ?
結論呢 ? 出版品以APPS形式販售,要獲利,真的很難。請再想想看,要如何把電子書出版品的觸角伸得更遠些吧......
quarter of the respondents said they had made less than $200 in lifetime
revenue from Apple. A quarter had made more than $30,000, and 4 percent had
made over $1 million.
A few apps have made it extremely
big, including Instagram, the photo-sharing app that was bought by Facebook in
April for $1 billion. When app developers dream, they dream of triumphs like
Most developers, however, make
their money when someone buys or upgrades their app from Apple’s online store,
the only place consumers can buy an iPhone or iPad app.
Apple keeps 30 percent of each
app sale. While its job creation report trumpets the $6.5 billion the company
has paid out in royalties, it does not note that as much as half of that money
goes to developers outside the United States. The pie, while growing rapidly,
is smaller than it seems.
“My guess is that very few developers make a living off their own apps,”
said Jeff Scott, who runs the Apple app review site 148Apps.com and closely
tracks developments in the field.
蘋果本月宣佈其應用程式業務為美國經濟貢獻了約29萬個職位,從開發者到UPS快遞司機都包括在內。這一數字在不到一年的時間上升了39%,而這中間,向蘋果付99美元註冊年費的美國本土開發者數目上升 10%,達到27.5萬人——簡單來算,就是每年2722.5萬美元。
Store)於2008年7月上線,當時只有500個應用程式。而自2008年7月以來,送審蘋果App Store的應用已超過100萬款。蘋果的財務報告表示,App開發者至關重要。如果開發者停止為iPhone設計應用程式,「消費者可能不會再選擇購買蘋果的產品。」