2015年11月14日 星期六

推薦影片 : 塑膠湯匙的故事 | 綠色和平組織

舞菇小評 :
我前天吃八寶粥才用了一根哪... Orz...以後不買來吃了.....

The Story of a Spoon
塑膠湯匙的故事 | 綠色和平組織

相關資訊 :

The Story of a Spoon charts the story of a plastic spoon, from the Big Bang to the Bin Bag, and aims to raise awareness of the effects of over-consumption in our society. This video is an appeal for people to take a moment to think about how the stuff we buy came into existence, and what happens to that stuff when we no longer have use for it.
#overconsumption #storyofspoon
For more information, please visit http://grnpc.org/Ig2UM

相關連結 : 推薦影片 : 塑膠微粒的故事 http://5-gu.blogspot.tw/2015/11/blog-post_16.html
