2022年10月3日 星期一

推薦閱讀 漫跑峽谷中 讀享太魯閣/ 舞菇

寫的是舞菇在2020年參加太魯閣馬拉松的訓練過程,文章是給體能不好,又想試試參加馬拉松賽跑的菜鳥看的、目的是增加自信心、而且安全健康的完賽的「懶人訓練」用的建議。兩年過去了,舞菇的體力並沒有變得比較好><|| 但是舞菇又報名參加2022年12月舉辦的太魯閣馬拉松......還是一樣擔心自己體力不濟.....但是可以確認的是,這樣練習,應該還是可以過關的:)


線上全文清晰版閱覽及下載可連結至國家圖書館的全國新書資訊網 :
本期專題為「運動樂讀」,邀請多位作者, 分別從專業的觀點及個人的生活體驗,與讀者分享閱讀與運動交融在生活中的樂趣及感動
「主題閱讀」專 欄,介紹讀者從兒童繪本認識與關懷自閉症孩童,也推薦給大家。內文目錄連結請點選《台灣出版與閱讀》111年第2期 (總號第18期) 

漫跑峽谷中  讀享太魯閣 / 舞菇 

2022年9月28日 星期三


 舞菇說說話 : 

今天的課程著重在比較不同年齡層(低中年級 VS 中高年級)的孩子,在閱讀《山裡的炸彈客》和相關素材時的教學方法建議和學生回應。

推薦連結 : 

2022年9月24日 星期六

從國際太空站看極光 & 極光的成因

從國際太空站看極光 |《國家地理》雜誌 
#美國太空總署#NASA 的太空人傑克.費雪(Jack Fisher)與我們分享了這段美麗的縮時影片。#極光 現象主要發生在地球的磁極附近(南極或北極)。當太陽風中的帶電粒子與大氣中的原子或分子碰撞時就會發光。
極光的成因 What Causes The Northern Lights? | BrainStuff - HowStuffWorks
There are many misconceptions about what causes the Aurora Borealis when it really requires solar winds, magnetic fields and excited atmospheric gases. Learn more at HowStuffWorks.com: http://science.howstuffworks.com/natu... Share on Facebook: http://goo.gl/FMuiBa Share on Twitter: http://goo.gl/TR4YyU Subscribe: http://goo.gl/ZYI7Gt Visit our site: http://www.brainstuffshow.com The Northern Lights are beautiful and odd and have understandably inspired many myths. The Vikings thought they were a bridge between our world and Asgard where Thor and the other gods live. In another Norse myth, they are the light reflected of the armor of the Valkyries. And people in Finland thought it was the archangel Michael (John Travolta) battling Beelzebub (the devil). Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All wrong. It was the famous early astronomer and recanter of science, Galileo Galilei, who gave the Northern lights the name Aurora Borealis, which means “dawn of the North” in Latin. But it wasn’t until Norwegian scientist Christian Birkeland figured it out in 1896 that the true origin of the auroras was understood. In the center of the Earth, the molten iron core generates magnetic fields that extend through the crust and into space around the planet, creating what’s called Earth’s magnetosphere. It’s a pretty great thing that Earth has it, because the magnetosphere protects us from all manner of charged particles spit out from the Sun. The Sun is so hot that it produces plasma (a fourth state of matter) where positively charged atoms (ions) and negatively charge electrons flow freely around one another. These highly charged particles have enough energy to escape the Sun’s gravity and fly out into space, barreling toward Earth at 1 million miles per hour like a shotgun blast of solar hate. This is called solar wind. When they encounter our magnetosphere, most of these ions and electrons bounce harmlessly off and Earth is saved. But some of these particles make it through the magnetosphere where it’s weakest (at the north and south poles), and when they do the light show begins. The electrons that make it into our atmosphere interact with some of the elements there, particularly oxygen and nitrogen. The electrons transfer energy to them, exciting them in the process. To calm down, the excited atoms must release some energy, which they do as tiny packets of light called photons -- beautiful, beautiful photons. Depending on where in the atmosphere the electrons interact with these other atoms, different colors are produced. Oxygen emits a yellow-green color up to about 150 miles in the atmosphere. After that, it turns red. Nitrogen emits a nice blue color about 60 miles up. And don’t forget these colors can blend, which can create glowing pinks, purples and whites. It’s like Miami Beach up there. This interplay is most vibrant during solar storms, which depend somewhat on the Sun’s solar cycle. And, although these lights can be produced at all hours, they aren’t visible during the day, since the sunlight outshines them.
Aurora Borealis Explained | truemaskedwabbit

【極光冷知識# 冷知識 | 晴天旅遊
這段影片深入淺出很用心,小朋友也很容易理解唷^^ (給100個讚)