2012年4月18日 星期三

康特動畫~~Thought of You

舞菇小評 :
作者 Ryan Woodward 是一位資深的動畫設計師和分鏡腳本 ( Storyboard )設計師,大部分的作品均為好萊塢的商業電影 (例如怪物奇兵、鐵巨人、鋼鐵人2、蜘蛛人2,3......);
稱之為「康特動畫」Conte Animated 的作品,卻揉合了炭筆速寫的視覺效果、每秒24格的傳統手繪2D動畫、舞蹈等多種藝術形式。其中實驗過程和概念的探索到作品的完成,可看見身為一個藝術家的成長歷程。這份藝術創作的執念,是一般商業電影很難滿足創作者內心深處的部分。
 Thought of You- by Ryan Woodward 

更多相關訊息 : 請連結瑞安伍德沃德的官方網站  http://conteanimated.com/
[Thought of you ] 製作紀錄片網址 :  http://conteanimated.com/the-animation/the-documentary/
you tube 最佳的評論如下 :
My personal interpretation: he was in love with the idea of her, and who he imagined her to be. She's glowing as if he sees her as more than mortal. At the end she becomes real, becomes vulnerable, shows her real self, and he finally sees her as she is (still beautiful, but not the perfect way he was imagining her). He then tragically leaves, not realizing how hard it must have been for her to show herself as she is, and open up to him so completely, and let him see her imperfections./ ali37ism 

